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Loving 40

Machion made it very clear when she told Sterling, “I don’t want nobody to be at my wedding, that won’t be there for my marriage.” She could feel where Chance the Rapper was coming from when he made that statement.

Of course Sterling didn’t pay that any attention because he was going all out for Machion on her big day. He managed to reserve the train station for the nuptials and reception. Something only Sterling could pull off at the last minute, and on an almost nothing budget.

When he first started talking about the idea of having the wedding at the train station, she thought he was crazy. Then she thought about it. The train station was the perfect place. It was the place that started her crazy adventure of finding love. “Why not,” she told him.

She had to admit meeting and falling in love with Cruz had changed her life in ways she never thought possible. Plus, their 15-year age difference didn’t seem to matter to him. Neither did the fact that she was a 40-year-old virgin.

“Rise and shine honey, honey,” Sterling shouted as he waltzed into her hotel room. “It’s your wedding day.” He seemed more bubbly than normal as he sat a tray of fruit and mimosas down on the bed.

In a groggy voice she asked, “What time is it?”

“It’s time for you to get up.” Sterling handed her a charcoal mask to put on. “I have all your favorites. Strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, bananas, blueberries, and grapes.”

“No pancakes or French toast.”

“No mam. We are keeping it clean this morning. No carbs.”

Machion knew it was no need to argue with him because it wouldn’t do any good. The fact he was handling the entire wedding was a blessing and a curse all wrapped up into one. While he was wedding planning, she was handling the details of her summer book tour.

“Your hair appointment is at 8:15 and your make-up appointment is at 11:15. The photographer will be here at 8 to start capturing the moment.” He was spitting out instructions like he was a drill sergeant. “And, don’t eat all the fruit.”

Machion laughed, “Really, Sterling.”

“Yes. I want some in the photos.”

Once, again she knew it no need to argue with him. Plus, she owed him from saving her from an awkward confrontation with her dad at the wedding rehearsal when she told him that she didn’t want him to walk her down the aisle. “Daddy, I’m not having anyone walk me down the aisle,” she told him.

The look on his face was full of disappointment. He assumed it was resentment towards him and her mother for abandoning her when she was a baby. But, it wasn’t.

Machion knew they were young when they had her and not ready to be parents. Honestly, she was glad they left her with her grandparents. Her granddad had given her the best life anyone could have asked for.

“It’s a father’s duty to walk his daughter down the aisle and give her away,” her dad told her.

Machion gave him the strangest look. “I’m not a piece of property. So, giving me away seems a bit much for me.”

The look on his face broke Machion’s heart, but Sterling jumped in to smooth everything out. She agreed to use the broom that mom made for her and Cruz to jump over at the end of the ceremony. “At least all isn’t lost with the traditions,” her mom mumbled.

“Listen you better get a move on in it. The photographer will be here in 20 minutes,” Sterling told her when they finished breakfast.

At that moment, she started feeling butterflies the same way she did when she met Cruz. A smile ran across her face when she realized that in less than eight hours she was going to be Mrs. Cruz Carter. Something that she had been dreaming about for the last three months.

When she finished her shower, she checked the time. Eight o’clock on the head. “Perfect timing,” she thought to herself. Sterling was a stickler for time. And, the last thing she wanted was his lecture about the importance of time and how once it’s gone you never get it back.

The moment she stepped in the bedroom, tears formed in her eyes. Sterling had transformed it into a true bridal suite with her gown hanging in the corner, her shoes and jewelry on the dresser. She grabbed her robe off the bed that had Mrs. Carter embroidered on the back.

“Machion are you ready darling. The photographer is here.”

She took a deep breath because she hated being in the spotlight. That’s the reason she told him she wanted a small intimate wedding. “Nothing fancy,” were her exact words.

While the photographer was getting a few shots, Sterling went over the guest list one more time. The final count was at 30, but of course Sterling left a couple spaces open for last minute guests.

“Your mom will be down shortly to get a few shots with you,” Sterling informed her.

Machion just nodded. She wasn’t into the details of the day like Sterling. The only thing she could think about was finally losing her virginity. What if she didn’t satisfy Cruz and he decided to get an annulment. To, take her mind off everything she started asking Sterling questions. “What about the caterers? Are they sticking to menu and the budget?”

“Well, no.” Panic sat in because she had given Sterling a $10,000 budget and she was pretty sure he had gone over it. “But, no worries. Cruz’s uncle is handling the food. Cocktail hour and dinner. It’s his wedding gift to you guys. He’s even including the wait staff.”


“Yes really. I even sampled the appetizers and I promise you it’s delicious,” he laughed.

“That’s what I’m talking about,” Machion said.

Everything seemed to be coming together. While the photographer took a break, she checked some emails to make sure everything was confirmed for their honeymoon. They were heading to a private resort in the Caribbean. Once she confirmed the travel arrangements, she sent her assistant an email to confirm her summer book tour. Even though it was her wedding day and spring break, she still was working.

I love you Mrs. Carter! Seeing the text from Cruz made her heart smile. She wasted no time texting back.

I love you Mr. Carter!! Followed by half a dozen heart shaped emojis.

They exchanged texts for a few minutes, before Machion’s other two besties arrived. Michaela and Chantez. They had all grown up together in Commons and attended Commons Central University together. Now, they were living their best lives in Atlanta.

“Hey girl, hey,” they said as they greeted each other. Having them there along with Sterling made all the craziness around her calm all the way down.

“You ready for your big day,” Michaela asked.

“I am,” Machion smiled.

“Better, yet are you ready for tonight,” Chantez teased.

Machion didn’t know how to answer that. All she could think about was the other women that Cruz had been with. They never talked about their exes, but that didn’t stop her from wondering or peeping them out on social media. Instead of focusing on that, she turned her attention to her three besties who seemed just as excited as she was. She took a quick selfie of them and captioned it, If your friends don’t celebrate you just as much as you celebrate yourself….get new friends!! #CartersforLife #WeddingSquad #MrsCarter


The wedding day rush had begun. Chantez had finished slaying Machion’s hair and was about to start on her make-up when they heard a knock at the door. It was Machion’s mom, who was an hour late according to Sterling’s schedule. “Good morning ladies,” her mom said as she entered the room. The ladies reciprocated greetings. “I see everything is coming along. I noticed from my room, they are setting up the garden.”

“Yes mam,” Sterling replied. “I need to get down there and make sure everything is the way it’s supposed to be. You ladies need anything,” he asked.

“No sir,” Chantez replied. “We can handle it from here.”

And, just like that Sterling waltzed out the door in dramatic fashion. Machion got this sinking feeling as her mom looked around the room, asking questions about her dress, shoes, something old, something borrowed, something blue, and something new.

“Still going with the nontraditional wedding,” her mom said using air quotes.

“I’m not into traditions like that. Cruz and I want it simple and our way.”

“Hmm,” she said before taking a seat on the couch. “Everyone in our family has always stuck to tradition. Was it your idea or his idea to leave out tradition.”

“It was mine,” she replied as she gritted her teeth. Her mom was poking her nose in her business once again. Since her grandfather passed away, her mom was taking it upon herself to return to her motherly role. And, honestly Machion felt it was a little too late for that.

“Well, then it seems you have it all taken care of.” Her mom’s voice was drenched with sarcasm.

Machion felt herself getting irritated. “Mom,” she tried to sound pleasant, “is there something you want to say.”

“You’re an adult. And, I have no right to get into your business, but…” Machion was always told that everything before the but becomes irrelevant once you say but. “You don’t want your dad to walk you down the aisle, partake in family wedding traditions, and you didn’t ask your little sister to be in the wedding. I mean do you really know this guy. Sasha said she knows some of his cousins, and…” Machion didn’t give her time to complete her sentence.

“Mom, I think you need to go get ready. The photographer wants you back her at 2 to take pictures.”

“Machion Alise Carrington, how well do you know this man?”

“Mrs. Porter with all due respect, please don’t pull the Cynthia and Peter thing today. Real House Wives of Atlanta all over again,” Chantez sighed. Then she leaned over and whispered, “Girl don’t listen to your mama.”

“Well, you see how they turned out. Or what about Kandi and that other guy. Her mama was right about him.”

“Mama enough,” Machion snapped. “How long have you known about my engagement, but you’re waiting until the day of my wedding to pull this. If you don’t agree you don’t have to attend.”

Her mom clutched the string of pearls around her neck, “Well, I’ll go.”

Machion didn’t say a word as Michaela walked her to the door. The nerve of her mom to question the man she was going to spend the rest of her life with. In the age of modern technology and social media, Machion had already done her due diligence when it came to Cruz. And, she hoped he had done the same.

“You ok, girl,” Michaela asked after she closed the door.

“I am. You see that’s why I told Sterling, I didn’t want anyone to be at my wedding, that won’t be there for my marriage.”

“You know that’s the best thing that came out of Chance The Rapper’s mouth. That’s what all these married couples need to think about when they jump on these reality shows. Plus when I get married, I’m not feeding people who only came to look and gossip,” Chantez spat.

“All I need is my dad, my sisters, you girls, Aunt Sheila, grandma and him. Oh, and of course Sterling,” Michaela laughed.

“Exactly” Machion replied. “He has a large family, but we kept it to the immediate family and his best friend.” Then she started thinking about what her mom said. “And, where does Sasha get off checking on my man.”

“That part,” Chantez said as she gave them the you better watch her look. A few minutes later Sterling returned and was livid when they told him what happened.

“I love your mama. Well maybe strongly like, but she better be glad I wasn’t here when she pulled that crap. Girl forget what she said. They probably jealous because Sasha still bringing home every rapper that comes out in Atlanta.”

They all started laughing. And, just like that they were back to celebrating Machion’s big day.


Three o’clock finally arrived. As she made her way through the train station she caught a glimpse of herself in a mirror. Beautiful, she thought. She was wearing a form fitting lace dress that accentuated her voluptuous body and a bird cage instead of the traditional veil. Her hair was hanging on her shoulders, and her make-up was just enough to give her the glamourous look she was looking for.

“You look absolutely gorgeous,” Sterling said as they waited for Michaela and Chantez took their place at the front of the garden. “Listen, I know you said keep it simple, but I thought there was one thing you needed.”

Sterling had the computer science department create a hologram of her grandfather standing at the alter as if her was waiting her on. “Oh my God,” Machion said tearfully as Beyoncé’s voice belted out over the speakers.

“Don’t cry because you will ruin your make-up and mine too.” He gave her a hug before she walked down the aisle. Half way down the aisle Cruz met her, and they walked to the alter together.

“Baby you look so beautiful,” he whispered in her ear.

The ceremony was intimate, and custom designed by the two of them. The other tradition they kept was the pastor saying, “Cruz you may kiss your bride.” The kiss they shared was the most intimate one they had ever shared.

Their guests were escorted into the train station as they transformed the garden into the reception area, and Machion and Cruz took their wedding photos.

Machion’s parents and sister, were in attendance for the wedding. Which actually brought her comfort because if they didn’t, she was going to cut them off. As they were taking pictures, Sasha started asking Cruz and his brothers questions.

“Cruz didn’t you date this girl from Spelman and,” she pointed at Cruz’s older brother, “And, didn’t you date her mother?” Then she gave this devilish smile, “Since you two like to keep it in the family, I’m available,” she winked.

“Not anymore,” Chantez said as she snatched her up out the chair.

Machion couldn’t believe the stunt that her sister tried to pull. She looked over at her mom who had a smirk on her face. She realized that her mom and sister were trying everything to ruin her day. At that moment she decided that Cruz was her family, and her mother and sister’s presence was no longer needed. Neither was her father’s because he wasn’t doing anything to condemn Sasha or her mom’s behavior.

She motioned for Sterling and asked him to handle her parents. “An Uber, to the airport would be the best solution,” she told him.

“It’s already outside,” he said with a smile.

With that taken care of, they finished the photo shoot. While they waited for Sterling to introduce them, Cruz whispered, “I have something I need to tell you.”

Machion figured, he wanted to address the Sasha fiasco. She told him he didn’t have to explain. “We both have a past, but now none of that matters.”

He smiled. “It’s not about that.” She gave him a grave look. Just as Sterling announced Mr. and Mrs. Cruz Carter, Cruz whispered in her ear. “I’m a virgin.”

Machion looked over at him with tears in her eyes. After 40 years of waiting, she had truly found the man of her dreams. She was truly loving life and loving 40.

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